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Is it possible to block respawn of the boss?

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Rare orc and shlorg spawned next me so these 2 are also unblockable.

I've seen Arachir, Zevelon and Sir Valorcrest spawning in front of me. Never seen Diblis, but I presume all Vampire Lords are unblockable.

I heard Yeti is blockable, but I can't confirm this.

But, even though some are unblockable, I share the same thought as Makadamia: "standing exactly on boss respawn or checking it too often influences on its spawn time".
Even if we kill a high number of bosses and explore various possibilities, It's quite complicated to give a verdict.

It is literally 4 years since this question was asked here on our forum. During this time I killed hundreds of different bosses, got some experience, and I think this aspect is quite clear to me. The problem is that none of us, players, know the exact mechanics. Any evidence is hard to come by, so this answer cannot be taken for granted, only an opinion based on experience.

Firstly I disagree with comments like "Ocyakao can't be blocked because the boss spawned next to me". I'll try to explain why.

After this time I can assume that: yes, we can block the boss spawn, by blocking reset floors. How does it work? Imagine that you stand in one place, for example on the earlier mentioned Ocyakao respawn location (Nibelor) for a few hours. You stand there from 8.00 AM until 1:00 AM (hard to imagine, but I know players who do this sh*t from my own experience) without any break. You don't let reset floor happen. Bosses used to appear sometime after resetting the floor. Somebody said here that they appear at the same time, but I think it is not true. If you block the reset floor, you don't let the boss appear. So in other words it is simply stupid because you won't kill the boss and anybody else kill it either.

You may ask then "Why do bosses sometimes appear next to the player?"

The answer is easy - reset floor wasn't blocked, it happened sometime before your check and you luckily came when the boss just spawned. By the way - this situation shows that bosses don't appear with the reset of the floor, but after some time, as I already mentioned before.

It happened to me many times. Once I left my character accidentally on the rock, near Ocyakao respawn, and went to make some hot tea. When I came back from the kitchen my game window was full of Chakoyas and somewhere there was also Ocyakao himself. Another situation with Zevelon Duskbringer - I logged in with my low-level character on his respawn and nothing. Only some Skeletons. I killed everything, waited some time until "battle" disappeared and suddenly Zevelon Duskbringer appeared! So does it really mean, that we can't block him? I don't think so. If we camped there for a few hours, he wouldn't appear.

The situation looks different in the case of rare mounts, like Crustacea Gigantica, Undead Cavebears, or Midnight Panther. If it's time, when they should appear (for example 3rd day after the last time - in the case of  Undead Cavebears), they will spawn. No matter if any player is standing on their respawn place. You can't block it in any way. On the other hand, it is absolutely understandable since rare mounts are not "bosses". You can find it in the bestiary like other creatures.

I do not know if you also have the same feeling, but it seems to me that such bosses that are heavily camped appear at the end of the possible respawn time. I also witnessed a situation where people from my server camped Ocyakao in shifts for 24 hours. The boss didn't appear. However, they didn't lose hope and camped him even 1 day longer than his respawn time lasts. This boss was simply lost.

Of course, I will emphasize again that these are my personal experiences and theories. Until CipSoft officially reveals the mechanics of this game, this cannot be taken as fact. 🙂

Yes you are completely right 🙂 I logged on fernfang isle and there were no apples (before floor reset) after some time there were apples which I ate and then after like 15 minutes there was already dead fernfang 🙁 Same with yeti - there was high level camping near the hole for like 3 days and he didn't get one, he spawned last day in the night or just before ss, when the guy left. Unfortunately, still not me 🙁 Making bestiary on boss spawn may be good, that is how I met Dharalion yesterday 🙂 few years ago (I was retired for quite long time) I was camping on minos near kazz and killed horned fox twice (before it was added as task boss) 🙂

This one shows yeti spawn next to AFK player 🙂

Quote from Micek on 23 July 2021, 15:25

This one shows yeti spawn next to AFK player 🙂

Yeti is not a boss.

After how long after the reset floor can the boss appear? After there was already one reset floor and somebody blocks the next one, is there still a chance for boss to appear?



Yes, back in 2017.

ty for the info

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