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Is it possible to block respawn of the boss?

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I'm not sure if this is possible but if a character stand around the boss spawn, will this appeard as any other monster respawns? or will it be blocked as the monster in the central room in POI?

Have any of you ever seen a boss respawning in front of you?


In my oppinion yes, you can block boss respawn. Many times I saw someone camping whole day, then log off and I met boss. It is because when you standing on boss spot you blocking this place's reset floor, and bosses appears during reset floor.

Tibia Wikia says:

Floor reset happens in different places at different times.

The time a floor reset happens will be always the same for a given place (example: If you notice a floor reset in a tomb at 9pm you can be sure that each day if no players are around, there will be a floor reset at 9pm in that tomb).

A floor reset will occur in a method similar to creature respawns, when no players are near an area thats going to have a floor reset the place will be reseted but if someone was or is near that area it will be no floor reset in that place.

Hello! I'm new on this website but i'm not new on Tibia 🙂 I'm tutor since few years and I confirm what Mad Def replied on your post.

Bosses does spawn at floor resets and it's possible to block their respawn.

PS. Mad Def, we need more people like you 😀



I dont know if its same for every Boss but i personally saw a Yeti spawned next to me so i can guarantee this boss is unblockable 😀

You saw "teleports" like during some unblockable monsters spawn? Or it just appeared?

There was just one teleport and they spawned, not 3-4 like normal monsters



Happened to me again, with Welter spawn. I was checking the boss and when i was already on the south side of this spawn spot few hydras + boss spawned next to me.

Pretty sure Zushuka spawned next to me, as well as a midnight panther - panther spawned outside screen though.




Well, I don't want to write 'YES, it is possible to block respawn" or "NO, it's definitely not possible". I'm boss hunter for quite long time and in my opinion standing exactly on boss respawn or checking it too often influences on its spawn time. Yes, Undead Cavebears appears even when u stand on respawn and just wait, 5 hours after previous wave, but bosses like Vampire Lords or those with reward chest system can not appear next to you most of time. Maybe their spawn depends on reset floor, maybe not. But since I'm boss hunting I noticed that when somebody camp it - boss often appears when he left spawn place or spawn at the last possible day. And during last day boss appears even next to player. Of course this situation works if we are standing there 24 hours.

It's my opinion. Probable there is a lot of exceptions, so I don't want to talk about rules in this matter.

Some boss can be blocked Okca is one , but other can appair next to you zuzhuka spawn nex to me 3 times , yeti one time but i block spawn of ocka and in one moment on  the day i use hur up and 1 min appair de ocka  in the floor

Ocyakao can't be blocked.

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