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Price discussions

Current prices of rare items
TopicsLast post
How much does Arcane Insignia cost?By tapiondbz143 Replies · 3,149 ViewsLast post: 2 years ago · Makadamia
2 years ago
How much is Key 4600?By danny.dinunzio1 Reply · 1,479 ViewsLast post: 2 years ago · Piske
Silver Key (Key:4600) - how much can I get for it?By Kadiusz1 Reply · 2,545 ViewsLast post: 2 years ago · danny.dinunzio
2 years ago
What's the price of a Journal Shield?By Caio Oliveira0 Replies · 1,766 ViewsLast post: 3 years ago · Caio Oliveira
3 years ago
Caio Oliveira
Price of lifefluid in rookBy taliadya1 Reply · 1,054 ViewsLast post: 3 years ago · Williams
3 years ago
Music Box - what is the possible price on Damora?By Veroodie0 Replies · 1,314 ViewsLast post: 4 years ago · Veroodie
4 years ago
Wand of DimensionsBy Robin_kint0 Replies · 1,814 ViewsLast post: 4 years ago · Robin_kint
4 years ago
Prince of unlivig demonboneBy Miguel Eduardo Alvarez1 Reply · 1,747 ViewsLast post: 6 years ago · Mogh
Miniature House?!By Oldarion1 Reply · 3,056 ViewsLast post: 6 years ago · Makadamia
6 years ago
Price of Arcane Insignia?By Caio Oliveira1 Reply · 1,888 ViewsLast post: 6 years ago · Makadamia
6 years ago
hammer of prophecy price?By Túlio Borges1 Reply · 3,556 ViewsLast post: 6 years ago · Williams
6 years ago
What is the price of an unholy book?By elias023 Replies · 2,689 ViewsLast post: 6 years ago · Williams
6 years ago
Gland's price - Rare item from Rotworm Queen.By Guiggo0 Replies · 3,218 ViewsLast post: 7 years ago · Guiggo
Prices of rare items by WilliamsBy Mad def1 Reply · 7,942 ViewsLast post: 7 years ago · EturnaLL Me
7 years ago
EturnaLL Me