Forum MenuForum NavigationForumActivityForum breadcrumbs - You are here:ForumRares Market: Price discussionsWhat is the price of an unholy bo …You need to log in to create posts and topics.What is the price of an unholy book?elias02@elias021 Post#1 · 11 December 2017, 20:12Quote from elias02 on 11 December 2017, 20:12It is dropped by Ushuriel. Anyone knows? It is dropped by Ushuriel. Anyone knows? Mad def@mad-def596 Posts#2 · 11 December 2017, 21:29Quote from Mad def on 11 December 2017, 21:29Not more than 1-2kk in my opinion Not more than 1-2kk in my opinion Brunsvamp@brunsvamp2 Posts#3 · 11 July 2018, 02:01Quote from Brunsvamp on 11 July 2018, 02:01Looted it a few times and threw away honestly, wouldnt really consider it a rare :< Looted it a few times and threw away honestly, wouldnt really consider it a rare :< Williams@bosst268 Posts#4 · 11 July 2018, 21:04Quote from Williams on 11 July 2018, 21:04I've seen it for sale a few times. But it was a few years ago. Price varied between 0.5-1kk back then. I've seen it for sale a few times. But it was a few years ago. Price varied between 0.5-1kk back then. Post Reply: What is the price of an unholy book? Cancel