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Rares - pricecheck 3.0

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Thanks, but I plan to add GREs as one bulk, in one of the future updates. I've added blue sphere though.

All prices have been updated.
prices on Antica:

4 new items added:

Blue sphere
Torn teddy
Book of orc language
Damaged steel helmet

Highest proportional price increase:

Unicorn Figurine 150%
Glooth glider hinge 113%
Decorative ribbon 100%
Hunting horn 87%
Rotten demonbone 79%

Highest proportional price decrease:

Incredible Mumpiz Slayer -56%
Embrace of Nature -50%
Soulbiter -48%
Stone of wisdom -46%
Tearesa -43%

hello, price of golden newspaper?


The original one? It's rarely being sold nowadays, honestly idk what should be the right price.

All prices have been updated.
prices on Antica:

7 new items added:

Bladespark figurine
Snowbash figurine
Mossmasher figurine
Sandscourge figurine
Spectral saddle
Spectral horseshoe
Spectral horse tack

Highest proportional price increase:

Astral glyph 116%
Glooth glider casing 100%
Badbara 100%
Cryana 100%
Feedbag 87%

Highest proportional price decrease:

Burnt devourer core -43%
Bar of Gold -40%
Bear skin -40%
Abyssador's Lash -36%
Gnome sword -33%

How much can be worth a music box on green servers????

anyone know about Unholy Book?


Hard question. These are very rare on the green servers, you can literally ask any price you want. Personally I would start with ~20kk, but that's just an idea.


500k-1kk, not very rare loot

Can you add Soap and Scrubbing Brush (the addon items for the Winter Update outfit), they go for quite some cash. I don't know, if the jungle items are worth putting here, given the fact that most of them are useless and probably not worth a lot.

what about throwing axe ?? Ratmiral drop



I'm working on the update - it should be available in 2 days. 13 items from the last winter update will be added to the database, including those you have mentioned.

All prices have been updated.
prices on Antica:

14 new items added:

Bast legs
Scrubbing brush
Jungle quiver
Raccoon backpack
Plushie of Tentugly
Exotic legs
Makeshift boots
Make-do boots
Jungle rod
Jungle wand
Exotic amulet
Jungle bow
Jungle flail

Highest proportional price increase:

Bar of Gold 233%
Ancient tiara 108%
The Rain Coat 100%
Glooth glider crank 69%
Trapped lightning 68%

Highest proportional price decrease:

Nightmare Beacon -60%
Forbidden tome -55%
String of mending -53%
Heart of the sea -50%
Djinn blade -50%


I sent my feedback through feedback form on regarding our tibian Market. I asked if it would be possible to increase the price limit from 999.999.999 gp to 9.999.999.999 gp (from 1kkk to 10kkk), as more and more items exceed the current limit.

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