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Interview with a Boss-Hunter: Yalthus

Hello Yalthus! It's great that you agreed to give us an interview! First, tell us who is Yalthus in real life.

Hello. It's a pleasure to participate in this interview for TibiaBosses. I could never say no, despite being a reserved person. My name is Bernardo, I'm 28 years old, and I live on the coast of Brazil, in Salvador, Bahia.

What do you enjoy doing besides playing Tibia?

Nothing out of the ordinary. I enjoy listening to music, watching movies and series, going to the cinema, going out for lunch or dinner, traveling, going to the beach, spending time with family, exploring new cultures, and I'm interested in technology, marketing, languages, playing tennis, or going for a run, etc. Enjoying good company is the most important thing.

Let's get to the questions about the game. How did Tibia enter your life?

I discovered the game during a trip in the mid-2003. I was drawn to a LAN house where everyone was playing Tibia, interacting, sharing adventures, and showing off what they had accomplished. In the early years, I could only play during school vacations. Premium Account was difficult to obtain because it required an international credit card, and at that time, there was a lot of concern about the online world. It wasn't until 2004 that I got my first Premium Account through an official reseller, and from there, my Tibian adventure truly began. I was able to witness the release of new cities like Ankrahmun, Darashia, and Port Hope, participating in the first world with a server located in Brazil (Tenebra), but the main factor that amazed me about Tibia was the possibility of real-time communication with people from all over the world.

Tell us something about your Tibia routine. What playstyle do you think best describes your character? Charlover, RPG player, or maybe you enjoy leveling up regularly?

I don't have a routine that I follow for years, it changes according to my focus in Tibia. However, what never lacks is something related to bosses, whether it's a boss lever rotation or a simple boss check. I can't define myself with a single characteristic. I enjoy various aspects of the game. Leveling up regularly is something I enjoy, but it has never been my main focus. I prefer the challenge of trying my best during team hunts, but without going too crazy because I also have my charlover side, and I don't like seeing my character dying.

If you're here, it means you love Tibia bosses as much as we do! How did your Boss Hunter adventure begin?

My real interest and dedication to bosses started in mid-2014 when I found my first Midnight Panther. At that time, I played via Flash Client. For years, I focused solely on Midnight Panther, Undead Cavebear, and Crustacea Gigantica. I enjoyed the feeling of finding them and being able to call friends to tame these creatures. Other more profitable bosses and invasions, such as the Orc invasion in Femor Hills tower, took a while to spark my interest, even with friends like Victor Simões (Joshua Aion) trying to encourage me. Many times, I still preferred to search for Midnight Panther and Undead Cavebear. It was only in 2020 that I really began my Boss Hunter saga with the goal of completing a collection of equipable items in the body slot (light sources). So, I had to learn everything about Zushuka, Shlorg, Ocyakao, and Tyrn, who had the rewards I was seeking.

Do you have favorite Boss Hunters? Or anyone who inspires you? Did someone encourage you to start?

Joshua Aion (Victor Simões) was the person who encouraged me the most to expand my boss hunter saga, despite my resistance in the beginning. Victor dropped a legendary Amazon Helmet during the Orc invasion in the Femor Hills tower in 2017, along with many other rares. Other boss hunters who inspire me in various ways, whether through lucky drops or dedication and consistency, are BomdraxCelfuriosHarley Quinn WitchRhandy SawyerSir AlvimFlor BelinaPotenrzny Genjurz, and many others. They all inspire me in some way and motivate me in my own saga.

What is your relationship with other boss hunters on the server? Is there anything you would like to change in that regard?

In my case, there's a difference before and after the implementation of the Bosstiary in the game. Before the Bosstiary, I used to do everything alone. If I encountered another boss hunter during a check, I would simply ignore them and continue on my way because there's space for everyone, and it never made me try to harm other boss hunters. I've never agreed with certain behaviors that seem normalized in the community, like trying to lure monsters or making another boss hunter believe that a particular boss has already been found, such as lighting the basins for Shlorg. After the implementation of the Bosstiary, my relationship with other boss hunters changed. The competition increased significantly at the beginning because many players felt motivated and decided to explore this new aspect of the game. So, the best option is to join forces, establish some rules for good coexistence, and work collectively. Nowadays, if we spot another boss hunter during our checks, we try to bring that player into our group.

Tell us something about your biggest achievements and the loot you enjoyed the most!

Honestly, the drop that surprised me the most was a Falcon Greaves from Preceptor Lazare, a mini-boss in the Falcon area. When it happened, I already understood the rarity of the drop and how lucky it was. Another drop that I only understood its significance after some time was the Sun Mirror from Tyrn, which I obtained on the 6th attempt. When I heard reports from other boss hunters with more than 20 or 30 unsuccessful attempts, I better understood how difficult that drop is.

Do you sell your looted items or keep them as mementos of your adventures?

I keep the items as mementos. It's also worth mentioning that my boss hunter saga started with the desire to collect all the light source items, and even if I have multiple copies of the same item, I prefer to keep them with me, with rare exceptions. The only items I get rid of are the lever boss rewards.

And is there any failure you had in this field? Any particular bad luck that happened to you while checking bosses?

I believe every boss hunter shares the same bad luck of checking bosses and someone else finding it shortly after. But that's normal. As I mentioned at the beginning, there's space for everyone, so it wouldn't be nice to try to monopolize a certain boss. Of course, I've lost bosses many times due to a matter of minutes, but it's part of the game. Situations like checking The Welter and finding only its summons or checking Shlorg and finding the coals on the floor are things that will happen to every boss hunter at some point.

Share with us a funny or sad fact from your boss-hunter's life.

On two occasions, I was lucky to find the Midnight Panther and then, within 20 to 30 minutes, find The Welter. I understand that the cooldown of the Midnight Panther is low, which makes this possibility easier, but the great thing is that I was already happy just to have found the Panther, so finding The Welter afterward was incredible. I hope it happens again.

Is there any item you still want to loot but haven't yet?

Yes, many! If I could choose, it would be an item from the Amazon set from the Orc invasion in the Femor Hills tower. One day!

We boss hunters have various theories about spawns, times, patterns, etc. Do you have any ideas you'd like to share with us?

I don't have any crazy theories regarding spawn times or patterns for boss births. I firmly believe in the relationship between floor resets and each boss's chance window. Of course, this doesn't apply to some invasions that cannot be prevented by floor resets, like the Yeti invasion. I think Makadamia explained this floor reset issue very well in the TibiaBosses forum. It's worth checking out!

Besides the theory about bosses, do you have any theories about loot? Any special item that you believe belongs to a boss but haven't looted yet?

Honestly, I don't have any theories, and I don't believe in any. The only drop that still left me with some doubt was the Bunnyslippers from the Yeti, which was looted by Grove Max on Celesta (Gratz!).

What do you miss in the game as a Boss Hunter? Do you have any interesting ideas that CipSoft could change or add to make our boss adventures more exciting?

I miss more bosses with rare appearances, even if they don't have valuable loot or decorative items. Issavi and Marapur were implemented in the recent updates, but we haven't had any new check bosses. I hope the same doesn't happen with the new island of Oskayaat.

What is your favorite boss?


Do you have any tips for players starting their journey as a Boss Hunter?

Find a group of boss hunters on your server and try to join forces to avoid missing opportunities and make your journey easier. Of course, there should be rules in place for bosses with rare drops. You also need to be patient during checks and believe that your turn will come. I receive messages asking for tips to find a specific boss, and sometimes it's difficult to make people understand that there's a lot of checking and time invested behind the achievements.

How has our website helped you in checking bosses? How did you discover

I discovered through friends, and the website helped expand the range of bosses I could check. Additionally, on the forum, I found tips from other boss hunters and found inspiration to continue my saga.

Now, regarding the new Bosstiary feature, what do you think of it? Do you think it was a good implementation?

It was a good implementation. It brought many bosses that were forgotten into the spotlight and sparked interest in bosses among many players.

What is the impact of the Bosstiary on the life of a boss hunter like yourself? Did it affect your routine?

The Bosstiary made me start checking bosses that didn't arouse as much interest before, so I had to learn more about other bosses.

What advantages and disadvantages do you see with the Bosstiary?

The biggest advantage that the Bosstiary brought me was the ability to display the podium of my favorite bosses in my house and thereby try to encourage other players to start their boss-hunter journey. As for disadvantages, I consider that there is nothing negative.

Are you focused on accumulating points?

No, I see the points and the highscores list as a consequence of the journey. At the moment, I have 8000 Bosstiary points.

Do you participate in any Bosstiary-focused groups? Or do you hunt bosses alone, besides the lever bosses?

Yes, I participate in two groups on two different servers (Yonabra and Gladera), and I believe that there should be basic rules for good coexistence among everyone.

Now moving on to the artistic part, another one of your interest. In the past, you commissioned a beautiful drawing by Paulo Silvente. Could you tell us a bit more about it?

Tibia fanart by Paulo Silvente

Yes, in 2022, I commissioned a drawing by Paulo Silvente as a birthday gift for a close friend who has been playing with me for several years. This year, for the same occasion, I commissioned artwork from Titan of Tsunami. It's a way to immortalize some memories, and I will continue to make commissions to illustrate moments from my Tibia saga.

Pixel art doll by Titan of Tsunami

Pixel art doll by Titan of Tsunami

Are you planning to make more interesting commissions in the future?

I don't want to give too many spoilers, but the next commission will be with Gustavo Santiago and will feature a certain boss from the game in a specific setting.

The team thanks you for your participation in this interview! Any final message for our readers?

I appreciate the invitation, and as a message, I would like more players to feel motivated to embark on their journey as boss hunters through this interview. Hail Tibia Bosses!

We, too, thank you so much for your time, and the inspiration you provided in this interview, and we can't wait to see your further boss adventures and, of course, the new Gustavo Santiago drawing! Good luck!

Great interview, rich with interesting screenshots and even fanart! That's cool Yalthus that you agreed to participate! I also like the promotion of fair play, no monopolization of bosses - I love people with this approach. If everyone had this mindset, hunting bosses in the Bosstiary era would be as much fun as before the feature was introduced.
I'm looking forward to Gustavo Santiago's drawing, I was recently gifted with one on the occasion of an interview for, and I'm in love with it!

PS. I have already killed 40 Tyrns, without success xD