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Bot/Macro monopolizing Femor Hills Orc Raids - We need help from the whole community!

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Hi everyone, wanted to greet everyone as this is my first post on the forums, even though I've been reading it for some time already.  🙂

After noticing the thread, I went to check the tower on my home server (Peloria), and bingo! He is relogging chars, exactly every 9 minutes and 50 seconds +-10 seconds. I was able to report him alongside with a friend. I am joining the war against him, lets see where it goes.

Quote from ajgorr on 16 February 2024, 21:03

Hi everyone, wanted to greet everyone as this is my first post on the forums, even though I've been reading it for some time already.  🙂

After noticing the thread, I went to check the tower on my home server (Peloria), and bingo! He is relogging chars, exactly every 9 minutes and 50 seconds +-10 seconds. I was able to report him alongside with a friend. I am joining the war against him, lets see where it goes.

Hello sir, how are you doing?

Well i've been warning many "hills checkers" about this insane boter. But people seems to not undestand the situation.. He is taking controll over all Femor Hills raids.  He loggins time was about 00:09:23 and now are 00:09:51 (there is 2 old servers chars disable since 16/Feb). He has expanded and JAN/2024 got some new chars with servers he was not before.

We need help reporting and ticket to cipsoft so they botters some time to deal it.


Quote from CThun on 6 January 2024, 04:48

As you can see, topic's dead and nothing changed.

Still logging in every 9 minutes 50 (+/- 1) seconds. Interestingly reported on chat about being killed but that doesn't change anything. He's using a bot, he's near his PC and he's destroying the game. I already reported him in game several times, tried to motivate people into doing so as well and in the end I've sent an e-mail to CipSoft, we'll see how it'll go.

Stopped logging in after the death for the rest of the night.. or morning.

It seems to have worked, it kind of disabled in Antica since 16/FEB
However, he soon will returns and can even change characters!

I haven't been so bothered about checking lately, but I'm just going to update you out of respect for friends who continue this fight.

- The Cipsoft responded to a ticket opened by "BETO" from Yonabra, a hard-working checker who was rewarded for his efforts with 2 loots.
- They are investigating the specific case, but it has been more than 1 month and they have not returned with any news.


About the this Bot :

- The bot is expanding and buying new characters after the recent loot it obtained in "impulsa". Amazon Helmet, already sold in market for 300kk. (This was confirmed he used the same account on tibiatrade gg to sell this helmet and listed on impulsa market) account this one that he used to sell his Amazon helmet from Firmera.

- He expanded and bought new characters in January
- I didn't have time or interest in discovering all the new characters because I was tired of this situation. However, one of the recently affected servers is Honbra.

About new bots :
There are other people using macros/bots to check raids, even in conflict with the same servers. However, I still haven't had the time or desire to discover all the characters. This confirmation only came from 3 servers so far!


This is a recently updated table 
1 ° Firmera Fafain Lv 90 17:42:22 FIRST Feb 18 2024
2 ° Guerribra Berst Thustarin Lv 93 17:42:32 00:00:10 Feb 18 2024
3 ° Havera Artillero Tuky Lv 82 17:42:42 00:00:10 Feb 18 2024
4 ° Impulsa Arcypechowiec Lv 109 17:42:51 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
5 ° Jadebra Zugu Mage Lv 153 17:43:00 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
6 ° Kendria Like Daniel Lv 91 17:43:09 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
7 ° Lobera Masoku Lv 152 17:43:19 00:00:10 Feb 18 2024
8 ° Peloria Kabitah Lv 166 17:43:29 00:00:10 Feb 18 2024
9 ° Pulsera Epic Ag Lv 100 17:43:38 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
10 ° Quintera Garotinho pow Lv 120 17:43:47 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
11 ° Rasteibra Zanker Lv 164 17:43:56 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
12 ° Solidera Ferramenta Doog Lv 81 17:44:05 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
13 ° Talera Mort Fegus Lv 97 17:44:14 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
14 ° Thyria Arrowsero Lv 118 17:44:23 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
15 ° Vunira Lepowa Lv 144 17:44:32 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
16 ° Wintera Drakanius Lv 143 17:44:42 00:00:10 Feb 18 2024
17 ° ? ? ? ? ? Feb 18 2024
18 ° ? ? ? ? ? Feb 18 2024
19 ° ? ? ? ? ? Feb 18 2024
20 ° ? ? ? ? ? Feb 18 2024
21 ° ? ? ? ? ? Feb 18 2024
22 ° Epoca Zudazo Lv 76 17:45:42 00:01:00 Feb 18 2024
23 ° Ferobra Omega Legend Lv 143 17:45:51 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
24 ° ? ? ? ? ? Feb 18 2024
25 ° Honbra Pikatchufly Tankamax Lv 145 17:46:08 00:00:17 Feb 18 2024
26 ° Inabra Rokara Archer Lv 111 17:46:16 00:00:08 Feb 18 2024
27 ° ? ? ? ? ? Feb 18 2024
28 ° ? ? ? ? ? Feb 18 2024
29 ° Lutabra Takeshiii Lv 90 17:46:41 00:00:25 Feb 18 2024
30 ° Mykera Trucutrucu tu Lv 181 17:46:49 00:00:08 Feb 18 2024
31 ° Ombra Solar Phoenix Lv 107 17:46:58 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
32 ° Quelibra Reffused Lv 132 17:47:07 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
33 ° Serdebra Pedrin usa Bolt Lv 168 17:47:16 00:00:09 Feb 18 2024
34 ° Antica Zoovix Lv 84 OFF OFF Feb 16 2024
35 ° Utobra Sookkaa Lv 199 OFF OFF Feb 16 2024
VERY IMPORTANT : In some cases he places the character on YETI or in Ocyakao. That's why you won't always
find Some chars logging in Femor hills.

VERY IMPORTANT : In some cases he places the character on YETI or in Ocyakao. That's why you won't always
find Some chars logging in Femor hills.

Exactly this.

Zoovix on Antica already moved to Ocyakao. Since we have a bosshunting group there I'm trying to get people into reporting him. Haven't seen anything on Yeti though, at least for now. Time stamps are always the same, each log in 9m50s later (sometimes 48 or 49 seconds).

Interestingly he's more active during day time now unlike he used to login at Femor Hills (night time).

Hi everyone!

I think we managed to finally delete one of this dudes accounts! Sorry for no replies to responses to my post, but I haven't been checking forums lately.

Checked couple of his chars - mainly from the server where I play: Character kabitah does not exist.


And couple other I checked from above list:

Character Fafain does not exist.

Character Artillero Tuky does not exist.

Character Epic Ag does not exist.


Those are just couple I checked from the list. I wonder if my detailed e-mail to CipSoft helped  :mrgreen:


Nevertheless, good job everyone!

Quote from ajgorr on 20 April 2024, 05:17

Hi everyone!

I think we managed to finally delete one of this dudes accounts! Sorry for no replies to responses to my post, but I haven't been checking forums lately.

Checked couple of his chars - mainly from the server where I play: Character kabitah does not exist.


And couple other I checked from above list:

Character Fafain does not exist.

Character Artillero Tuky does not exist.

Character Epic Ag does not exist.


Those are just couple I checked from the list. I wonder if my detailed e-mail to CipSoft helped  :mrgreen:


Nevertheless, good job everyone!

Hi! How are you? Hope fine.

yes he got his first account completely deleted.


Sorry I didn't update here because I thought it was no longer relevant because few joined this war...

We were also focused on an open ticket with cipsoft from which we received more direct feedback, which unfortunately seems to have led nowhere. It's been 3 months since they said they were investigating the player and the latest responses were not very friendly!


I don't know what really helped, but for only one account to be deleted and there were chars on your servers, perhaps it was a combination of your reports and ours.

I really appreciate everyone who helped, but we still have a fight against his secondary account and he can go back and buy new characters.

Just wanna say thank you to “Beto estressado” from Yonabra. He has dedicated a lot of effort to trying to combat this bot by Reporting, chatting via cipsoft ticket, etc. I believe that a little help from everyone led to the end of at least one account.

Here some Update. Deleted chars and account.  ACCOUNT 1

1 ° Firmera Fafain
2 ° Guerribra Berst Thustarin
3 ° Havera Artillero Tuky
4 ° Impulsa Arcypechowiec
5 ° Jadebra Zugu Mage
6 ° Kendria Like Daniel
7 ° Lobera Masoku
8 ° Peloria Kabitah
9 ° Pulsera Epic Ag
10 ° Quintera Garotinho pow
11 ° Rasteibra Zanker
12 ° Solidera Ferramenta Doog
13 ° Talera Mort Fegus
14 ° Thyria Arrowsero
15 ° Vunira Lepowa
16 ° Wintera Drakanius
17 ° Antica Zoovix
18 ° ? ?
19 ° ? ?



count still activating and we are reporting every day

1 ° Kalibra Garaxim Litin Lv 199 19:08:55 FIRST
2 ° Utobra Sookkaa Lv 199 19:09:06 00:00:11
3 ° ? ? ? ? ?
4 ° Mykera Trucutrucu tu Lv 181 19:09:27 00:00:21
5 ° Belobra Doctor Hunt Lv 175 19:09:38 00:00:11
6 ° Serdebra Pedrin usa Bolt Lv 168 19:09:49 00:00:11
7 ° ? ? ? ? ?
8 ° Honbra Pikatchufly Tankamax Lv 145 19:10:09 00:00:20
9 ° Ferobra Omega Legend Lv 143 19:10:19 00:00:10
10 ° Quelibra Reffused Lv 132 19:10:33 00:00:14
11 ° ? ? ? ? ?
12 ° ? ? ? ? ?
13 ° ? ? ? ? ?
14 ° Inabra Rokara Archer Lv 111 19:11:05 00:00:32
15 ° Ombra Solar Phoenix Lv 107 19:11:17 00:00:12
16 ° ? ? ? ? ?
17 ° ? ? ? ? ?
18 ° Epoca Zudazo Lv 76 OFF OFF
19 ° Lutabra Takeshiii Lv 90 OFF OFF



We need more help reporting this last ones! Common guys!




Nice update @save-femor-hills 🙂

I will create couple lvl 8's just to report his on various servers from the account that he didn't get deleted.

BTW, he also once told me, when I came there with my main to kill him, that he doesn't "bot", but he did "let his son log in and check bosses". I also reported that statement.

Cheers, have a good weekend!

Thanks everyone!

Quote from CThun on 27 April 2024, 13:40

Thanks everyone!

It took much longer than we expected. We have been reporting it on several servers since 07/2023
However, I believe it only worked after "Lucas" (“Beto estressado” from Yonabra) opened a ticket with cipsoft and then insisted a lot, we collected as many names as possible so that all their accounts were banned.

With Lucas' help and his interaction with the cipsoft, I believe we reached a more concrete result.

We even had a conclusion and unfortunately only one of the accounts was Deleted.

With a little more insistence, all accounts were deleted after cipsoft asked to report the characters that were missing from the game

Below is the complete table of deleted chars:

3 Accounts and 34 conffirmed characters deleted :

Antica Zoovix
Belobra Doctor Hunt
Calmera Matheratzu
Epoca Zudazo
Ferobra Omega Legend
Firmera Fafain
Gentebra Loucuras
Gladera Alura Lotus
Guerribra Berst Thustarin
Havera Artillero Tuky
Honbra Pikatchufly Tankamax
Impulsa Arcypechowiec
Inabra Rokara Archer
Jadebra Zugu Mage
Kalibra Garaxim Litin
Kendria Like Daniel
Lobera Masoku
Lutabra Takeshiii
Mykera Trucutrucu tu
Ombra Solar Phoenix
Pacera Piroxzinho Mad
Peloria Kabitah
Pulsera Epic Ag
Quelibra Reffused
Quintera Garotinho pow
Rasteibra Zanker
Serdebra Pedrin usa Bolt
Solidera Ferramenta Doog
Talera Mort Fegus
Thyria Arrowsero
Utobra Sookkaa
Vunira Lepowa
Wintera Drakanius
Yovera Usagi Infernal

Keep in mind that when all accounts were active the approximate time of 591 seconds was equivalent to 50 to 59 Characters or 57 if considering 3 accounts of 19 each.

So that's it, we've cleaned up another femor hills bot, but keep in mind it's not only one, new ones will emerged and some are already taking chances doing it already but we are monitoring and reporting.

Our tickets with cipsoft started in January and the responses were very vague like report in game and wait.
However, Lucas didn't really accept this answer and insisted on support until he received a more human response.

I didn't take the case to Reddit because I was afraid of giving more ideas to other cheaters with more advanced tools and here we already have some of people and I could at least try to help.

Now that we know the law works, let's see the next funny guy try to cheat. Although we already have reports of some servers with less active bots

Quote from Save Femor Hills on 27 April 2024, 18:35

It took much longer than we expected. We have been reporting it on several servers since 07/2023
However, I believe it only worked after "Lucas" (“Beto estressado” from Yonabra)opened a ticket with cipsoft and then insisted a lot, we collected as many names as possible so that all their accounts were banned.

I'm glad we managed to finally get rid of this cheater, but none of this would be possible without all your investigation on the case, finding almost every character of his and reporting for so long.

I truly believe honest people like us will always be rewarded in the end.

But let's stay aware for the future. In case someone tries to do the same, we'll do it the right way from day one in order to get him banned as soon as possible. Cip's actions were rather quick after we changed our approach on the reports and contact with them.

Count on me. See you in Femor Hills.


Beto Estressado - Yonabra.

- "If there are BOSSES, call BETOS ;D!"

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