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The Great Boss Hunt [WINNERS REQUESTS]

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I was chosen for the screenshot contest and I won this week's contest it would seem.

Thank you so much in advance!


Jay Assassin

Quote from Mad def on 28 August 2022, 11:24


Your premium time has been activated. The coins are sent each week to the winner of the voting (please check Discord channel)



Premium times has been added, congrats! 🙂



Rewards will be sent soon by Cipsoft, probably tommorow 🙂


Hello, my premium time wasn't activated i have to renew my premium today so can you please help me with that.




I won the weekly contest! <3

Char: Pacssivia

Congrats! Premium accounts has been activated, and coins sent! 🙂


I've won the last weekly one.

char: Lady Tafuri

Hi, it's me, I'm writing here, as I've been asked to do so.


Character in Tibia: Montshyak

Weekly winners premium please

Zushuka screenshot, this account 🙂


Premium times has been activated, and coins sent, congrats! 🙂

Hello! It's Loqhakk from Antica.
I took the first place in monthly screenshot of the week - August with Amazon Helmet.

I'd like to choose golden rune emblem (Animate Dead).

Please send rewards to same character - Loqhakk

Thank you for chosing me!

Hi again!

I won weekly contest with screenshot of the Shlorg, together with him on podium of vigour.

Thank you for chosing me!


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