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Massacre and Great Shield?

Does anyone have some proof of looting great shield from Massacre? I've searched but can't find anything except 1 screenshot from older Tibia, but since I've known this fanpage I haven't seen any.

Ye I was wondering about that too, also I've aksed few boss hunters but noone respond. I'm curious too 

You can choose "Massacre" in the search box and check 8 pages of screenshots with Massacre. I did it briefly and found nothing interesting. Also I don't remember any screenthot with a Great Shield.

I understand that it must be very/extremely rare but comparing it to tempest shield from Imperor - there are at least several proofs that were winning screenshot of the month. I heard from several people that they looted it but ofc I didn't get a screenshot from them (they say they didn't save or can't find). And what about golden armor and berserker? Also didn't see anything like that on any ss here, whereas all fanpages have them in info. Personally I killed Massacre 20x and didn't have even any "blue item" - comparing it eg. to Imperor or Dracola - they often drop items of similar value, like crown legs, skull helmet, magma coat, mpa (not included in Dracola loot on fanpages). Maybe great shield drop rate was decreased a lot over the years as it's much easier to kill it nowadays and by mistake along with golden armor, heavy mace and berserker? I still believe it's possible to drop it as for example Munster on Rook drops a die extremely rarely, but it's a different thing as it spawns much more often. Waiting for more opinions 🙂



Ok, at least I found several ss with a heavy mace in drop, but 0 golden armors, nor berserkers

Yes it's real. In 2018 I lost a massacre and he dropped a great shield, the person who killed sent the print to me, if I'm not mistaken I've seen 2 prints of that loot only. However, I believe it is more rare to drop than the tempest shield.

Today I received a screenshot from 2019 that it really drops. It was his first boss. I still looted 0 out of 24, but at least I had first golden armor. xD

Quote from Black Haunter on 15 May 2021, 21:44

Today I received a screenshot from 2019 that it really drops. It was his first boss. I still looted 0 out of 24, but at least I had first golden armor. xD

Woooo... ok. You convinced me to start to check this boss! 😀

So we have second confirmation. Taken from:

If you ever find more, post here  🙂

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  • Ciemnye-Massacre-With-Great-Shield.jpg

I'm confident you will drop! Do not give up!