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Invent a New Boss Contest - Submissions Thread

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Character Name: Titan of Tsunami
World: Laudera

Boss Name: Aza Hari

The Darama's Sea Myths - Lost Chapter: The Ancient Mermaid

For years the travelers have spoken of the mermaids and their powerful spells that force men to do as they please. Still there are not ny stories told about Aza Hari, maybe because those who have ever fallen on her trap haven't survived. Aza Hari or the lost mermaid as she have been called by some lucky adventurers who got away leaving their friends to perish was once a kind creature willing to help anyone who ever had the luck to cross her while she traveled the ocean, she never felt that need to use her power for fun and thus repressed her singing to avoid harm on those brave enough to sail the seas.

One day, not so near the Darashian coast she found a man floating on top of the water, he was barely breathing  and deeply injured, desperated to help him,  she used the only thing she had: her voice. Singing as hard as she was able to, finally a boat approached following her calling and before they got too close she stopped and dissapeared in the inmensity of the seas. Months later she returned to the Darashian seas and one day while visiting the coast trying to find him she got captured, this man that she once saved was neither kind or good, indeed he had been hunting her since that day.

Trapped and with no other choice she did what she had to do to escape... something inside her broke, twisted all that she was into something dark and with it came an obscure power... once free she just went back to the depht of the seas carrying with her the body of that man as a reminder of what she once was, terrified of what she had done and what she had become Aza hide herself for centuries in the deepest spots of the sea where all there is is darkness only coming out from time to time to feel the sun in her skin for a few minutes, but she doesn't trust those wh walk the land and so if ever a ship found her, she will not hesitate to destroy them and erase any proof of her existence.

With the years she have found not only treasures carried by men but those forgotten by the gods, Aza Hari is now something greater than the graceful creature she was, now she's part of the sea.

Creature Information

Health: 65000
Experience: 48000
Estimated Max Damage: 3900

"Yes i'm a diva!" "I hope you like this one" "I was once silent, but no more..." "I was once just a mermaid..." "YOU AND YOUR KIN ARE THE MONSTERS!" "A song to lure them and the power to destroy them!" "I will sing because silence scare but doesn't kill" "This power is still new to me" "I am the tide, you're a fish"

Appearence: Aza Hari still has the beauty of a mermaid, but the time spent on the deep sea has turned her into  a pale creature, her eyes have turned black to be able of seeing down below where she spend her days and because of the magic she has found her tail seems to fuse with the ocean itself. Aza Hari carries a light armour with a cape long forgotten by the gods, the crown and the staff are made of obsidian and can't be taken away from her.

Music Bomb (Lowers the shielding a 70%) , Melee (0/1600), Ice Missile (600/800), Steam Explosion UE (1300/1800), Life Drain Beam that heals her 50% of the damage dealt (1200/1400)  Summons up to 6 Sea Serpents, Self Healing (800/1000)


Aza Hari fights in close combat and never retreats.

Aza Hari is not such a hard Boss to kill if done correctly, a good knight should try to keep her facing away from shooters as her Life Leech Beam will heal her for each target damaged. Aza is weak to Energy Attacks and you should abuse that, casting thunderstorms runes is very helpful to clean the summons.

Notable Loot:

Silver Raid TokenSilver Raid Token, Glacial RodGlaciar Rod,  Robe of The Ice Queen, Oceanborn Leviathan Armor Oceanborn Leaviathan Armor.

Character: Gim
World: Antica


Boss: Helmut


Everyone knows the four gods who visited the lands of Tibia in the ancient times. But did you know that there actually are five gods?

Steve, Durin, Stephen, Guido and Helmut – yes, this is the name of the forgotten god – visited Tibia together once. And everything went well until Helmut visited Frodo’s and tasted brown liquid he has never seen before – beer. He fell in love with it from the first sip (or rather slurp).

Gods might be immortal but without a dwarven ring they will lose a battle against alcohol. Especially against alcohol in large doses.

After three barrels of beer, Helmut became completely drunk and wanted to fight every Tibian he saw. Of course, the mere mortals stood no chance against a god (even when drunk). Helmut brought mayhem to all of Tibia. Thankfully, the other gods eventually managed to stop him. They also used powerful spells to resurrect the victims of Helmut and even more powerful beer to make everyone forget about what happened.

Helmut was put in a special place (you might simply call it a prison) and was forbidden from visiting Tibia ever again.

But as we all know, the gods seem to have forsaken us. They don’t visit Tibia anymore. And they perhaps also have forgotten to keep an eye on Helmut as some Tibians claim to have seen a guy with big beer belly and a barrel on his back...

Tibians must be aware of this. And they need to do everything what’s necessary in order to stop Helmut from drinking too much beer as he loses control over himself after drinking too much and may wreck havoc to Tibia once more. And this time there might be no other gods to stop him...

Some Statistics:

Behaviour (when not completely drunk): pushes players away, walks over fields, magic walls, everything. A way to stop him from reaching Frodo's must be figured out.

Behaviour (when completely drunk): challenges Tibians – after reaching Frodo's and drinking, he then teleports to the current highest level online and hits him/her with his barrel

Abilities (when completely drunk): destroys everything and everyone with one hit

Location: He appears at a random time during Oktober fest and goes (very slowly and in a zigzagged manner) from Greenshore to Frodo’s hut. Repeats the root after killing a player

Loot/Reward: doesn't drop loot as he cannot be killed. But other Tibian gods will be sure to reward those who stood on his way to alcoholism. Expect very precious rewards.


“Beer is proof that we gods love you”

“Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder!”

“For a quart of ale is a dish for a god!”

“Oh, this beer here is cold, cold and hop-bitter, no point coming up for air, gulp, till it’s all-hahhhh”

Time's up! thank you for all submissions! 🙂

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