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Death Tracker - questions, answers and general feedback

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Quote from IKillYou on 28 August 2020, 21:52



It will be a chance to add New server to this list? Like Ragna etc?

Thank you for reporting the problem. We will launch new worlds probably tomorrow.

Death Tracker is not working.

I died for midnight panther a few days ago, and now for crustacea in Celebra and the tracker don't annunce it.



Thank you for the report. Death Tracker had an unexpected downtime. It's okay now - the problem has already been fixed.

I've noticed that it did not announce the death of one of my characters to Zevelon. Many other deaths were announced before and after, but not mine. Maybe its not tracking hidden characters?


Also, I know that it consumes a lot of resources, but maybe adding an option to check deaths in smaller time cycles? Some deaths are annouced over 10 minutes later, which is way too much time for a timely response in some cases (for example, a level 8 dying to Yeti would login his main char, kill Yeti and leave before the death is even announced).


I've noticed that it did not announce the death of one of my characters to Zevelon. Many other deaths were announced before and after, but not mine. Maybe its not tracking hidden characters?

A few posts earlier I explained how the tool works:

Tracker only checks online players. The online player list refreshes every 5 minutes at If someone logged in and died immediately and then logged out of the game, the tracker will not detect it. However, such situations are very rare. Often less than 1% of deaths.

So you probably experienced the situation described above.

Thank you for your feedback. We will think about speeding up the tool. but unfortunately, it's not that easy.




When the new server's will be added? to the Death Tracker  o.o????

Hello. New worlds will be added during the weekend.

It would be great if the death tracker says the name of the dead char so I can know if is somebody I know instead of opening the page everytime

Quote from erickotete5 on 24 April 2021, 22:18

It would be great if the death tracker says the name of the dead char so I can know if is somebody I know instead of opening the page everytime

When Death Tracker was created it worked exactly like that, it read the player's name. Unfortunately, player names are in different languages or their names sometimes are very weird. The tool couldn't handle reading such names.

There is a typo in the world drop-down. Xandebra is displayed as "Xendebra", making it return no death at all when you select it.

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