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Death Tracker - questions, answers and general feedback

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If you have any questions or would like to provide some feedback about our new Death Tracker tool or guide then please do it in this thread. We will gladly assist you.

Hi! Death tracking on some servers is not working at the moment. This will be fixed today, in a few hours.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused. (I've always wanted to use this line :D)
We'll keep you updated.

Fixed tracking of deaths in all worlds. Please report similar bugs in this topic or chat in the future. Once again, we apologize for the interruption in access to the death tracking service.

The service was unavailable today from 10.00 CET to 12.00 CET. Now everything works fine. We apologize for the interruption of death tracking service.

Hi, Death tracker is down for winter at the moment it seems. Not sure about other servers

Seems like it is working now!

i suggest raid tracker

Quote from ykk on 17 July 2019, 17:50

i suggest raid tracker

Where would we get the data from? Directly from the game? Unfortunately that's breaking Tbia's rules and we can't do that.

Great tool guys, as an suggestion you guys could

add Above x lvl track

specific guild track



Hello, death tracker doesn't seem to be working. Am I the only one?



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