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Buy All Rares and Very Rares

Hi! Im buying every kind of rares and very rares you can sell , if you have something please let me know, you can find me posting here with your rare or msg me ingame to "Hakai Mage" on Secura.

Regards, Zupakode

You only buy on SECURA?


I sell amazon shield, in ferobra.

Gime your offer, or check market


Bronze Cup of Honour

Bronze Trophy of Excellence  Silver Trophy of Excellence  Golden Trophy of Excellence

TibiaHispano Emblem

Royal Medal

Green Tome

Chayenne's Magical Key

Chain Bolter

All in Gentebra, if you want find "Ma rianne" tell for call for Duff



Sell elementsl spikes 130kk

Server : lobera

Char : Fuga di Meiota

Sell Elemental Spikes 60kk

Server: Cosera

Char: Wfan

Msg me  😀

I sell Eldritch Quiver in Kalibra (One and only in server)

msg me - Voidlost

Sell ~~~ Menacing Egg ~~~ Market~~ Antica!