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Bosses [Screenshots]

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Unique Pharaon Sword - Peloria

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  • 2021-03-27_135045234_Mood-knigh_BossDefeated.png

My first kill of: Man of the Cave


Im playing on Adra,  i have 20 Bosscheckers, my main Char is Zyclopz in case anyone wants to have a chat.

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  • 2021-04-08_221553143_Oxsogen_BestiaryEntryUnlocked.png

Maw by Maaycon (Belobra)

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The Horned Fox

Ariesgod - Gentebra

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  • 2021-05-01_225448028_Ariesgod_Hotkey.png

19:01 Congratulations! You earned the achievement "Out of the Stone Age".



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Mad Mage



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What would be the real evil eye?

That was in Serdebra!

2 vamp lords found in 10 minutes:

Very rare raid east to Femor Hills 😉

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