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Bosses [Screenshots]

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Big Bad One, Rowana 🙂


Congratz guys! 😀

Grorlam on Thera. A bit hard to kill with 38 ek, but managed to do it. 🙂

Wow! Congrats!

Menera, 05/05/2019

10:50 Parabéns! Você ganhou uma Conquista "Noite Sem Estrelas".

Presente de Condin Clyde à Bruxinha Cakau. Obrigada querido Condin. Promessa cumprida!


depois de 434 dias sem matarem ele, finalmente achei ele

Congratulations! 🙂

Dracola - Nossobra

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  • 2021-01-06_201150082_Tatoh-Stormrage_BossDefeated.png

Kabosh - The Percht Queen

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  • 2021-01-08_012737520_Kabosh_BossDefeated.png
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