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Midnight Panther and Crustacea Gigantica in time prediction section.

A lot of people asking me about Midnight Panther and Crustacea. It is difficult to add them. Firstly, those monsters have multiple spawn places - especially Crustacea (can appear for example on Oramond, where it's rarely found). Secondly, those monsters can be cought as mounts. If so, they won't appear on statistics.

Until I will come up with idea how to solve that, I reccommend checking Panther every ~3 days (from last appearance) in every spot, and Crustacea every ~4-5 days on treasure island, same on Calassa.

Note, that when monsters like Midnight Panther/Undead Cavebears/Crustacea Gigantica were tamed it still be shown as "unkilled" till day when somebody kill monster or die by it.

a specific time to check?

No, It can spawn on any part of day.

A small hint: If you found titanica in calassa, go there again in 4-6h, she should spawn at different place..

after 3days you should check it again,

i've found about 15 of them in kinda short time period




I've been looking for Midnight Panther since a loong time ago and never found it! SOme people say that it spawns only in complete hours (ex: 11:00, 12:00, 1:00) but there is people that say that it could be anytime, and I am very confused about that. In this website it showes when someone killed the boss too, but if someone tame it, it stays with 'High Chance', doesn't it? Which makes things even harder! If someone could help me with that I would be very very thankful!

About complete hours - I think it is not true. Midnight Panther could be hard to catch because many people hunting it. Ye, if it is not killed or it will not kill somebody it will not appear on stats.

Quote from Puupys on 4 January 2017, 14:25

I've been looking for Midnight Panther since a loong time ago and never found it! SOme people say that it spawns only in complete hours (ex: 11:00, 12:00, 1:00) but there is people that say that it could be anytime, and I am very confused about that. In this website it showes when someone killed the boss too, but if someone tame it, it stays with 'High Chance', doesn't it? Which makes things even harder! If someone could help me with that I would be very very thankful!

Here on predictions next to "High/Low Chance" you've got also how long ago boss was seen. So when u know that Midnight Panther spawns every 3 days just check it when it was seen 3 days ago, 6 days ago, 9 days ago... I don't think that "Hight Chance" makes it harder 😛 And if u want to be successful check it every 30 min, cus 5 times a day won't guarantee anything. Good luck!

About crustacea, treat it like a hint, I don't think I missed any that time 😉

Quote from Shneez on 20 January 2017, 08:52

About crustacea, treat it like a hint, I don't think I missed any that time ????

In what spot was that? I assume Treasure Island, since all the other places are rather hard to watch with a level 8.